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Assignment on Resume Writing For Your Resume

<h1>Assignment on Resume Writing For Your Resume</h1><p>It may seem like a straightforward inquiry to pose, yet how would ...

Monday, May 11, 2020

Blogging Isnt Just Onesided

Blogging Isnt Just Onesided Ive been readingread Punk Rock HRs blog for awhile and yesterdays post grabbed my attention. First, I love her edge and the fact she doesnt hold anything back. It is real. Second, her blog provides beyond-the-obvious HR insights. And third, she has a following of commenters. What I enjoyed so muchabout reading her blog was the fact that she engaged the reader. They, in turn, provided their feedback and comments, some quite funny. Check our her blog to see an example of some of the comments. GL Hoffmans What Would Dad Say, Jason Albas JibberJobber and the other great blogs all get great comments and that, in my opinion, makes them worth reading. Not only do I get the bloggers side, I also learn from what the readers have written. I have a pulse on the issue being discussed. Onesided blogging is pundit-like. Good blogs provide a forum for sharing. The topic of Punk Rock HRs post wasaboutthe validity of career advice experts. Is there really such a thing? Blogs could just become the next newspaper, with instant Editorials. The news is current and the comments are too. Please help make this a rich and rewarding blog by providing your comments and I pledge to respond in kind! Happy reading and remember, it is nice to share.

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