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<h1>Assignment on Resume Writing For Your Resume</h1><p>It may seem like a straightforward inquiry to pose, yet how would ...

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

6 Memorable Career Lessons from HBOs Silicon Valley

6 Memorable Career Lessons from HBOs Silicon Valley6 Memorable Career Lessons from HBOs Silicon ValleyWith the second season now wrapped up and the third on the way, we at Simply Hired took a look at HBOs Silicon Valley to determine what career advice the shows characters can offer.In preparing this article we first had to decide if we thought the characters were actually good employees or at least potentially good employees. While there are plenty of reasons to avoid being like the characters on this show at all, they also have admirable qualities. With that in mind, heres what to take from Richard, Gilfoyle, Dinesh, Jared, Monica, and Erlich.Richard Hendrix Be a visionaryInnovation isnt easy. We live at a time when mankind has accomplished so much some argue that no new ideas are coming along. But while it may seem harder than ever to think outside of the box, it is still done. Richard Hendrix wonderfully illustrates this point. When Richards compression algorithm exceeds a theoret ical compression limit, he doesnt believe that its real. He didnt even realize what hed created. But thats nothing new. Listerine was developed as a surgical antiseptic, Coca-Cola was an alternative to morphine, and Play-Doh was a wallpaper cleaner.Keep cranking away and trying new things, and youll come up with a fresh idea.Gilfoyle Denish Develop supportive office relationshipsWhile on the surface these two seem completely at odds with one another, upon closer inspection youll notice that their friendly competition brings out the best in both of them. Sure they spend a lot of time exchanging insults, but they are also quick to support each others work, double-check their work and lead a helping hand.These type of relationship can be hugely beneficial in the office and in your career. Its not fun to go it alone all the time and not have anyone in your corner, especially at work. Things come up and you need someone to have your back. So in your office, make a point to reaching out and developing supportive relationships.When a coworker needs a hand, lend it. You never know when youll need a favor.Jared Dunn Remember that management mattersAlthough theres always the negative connotation around managers, when it comes to increasing productivity they have a tremendous effect on businesses. Whether its scrum, SWOT analysis or otherwise, managers have a host of great methods for making sure employees are efficient and productive. While they may not necessarily be the most popular position to hold in an organization, as they may not seem part of the gang, management can help bring out the best in workers.When managers offer advice, listen to them, most of the time they know what they are talking about. Monica Hall Be a true believerCompanies have missions and visions. These are an effort to build a unified company culture around a set of core beliefs. But if you have a staff full of people who dont buy in and dont believe in the product, those company culture eleme nts are basically useless. Monica shows just how valuable people who believe in a company are to the companys success. When times are trying you want people who believe in what the company is doing.Make sure you are one of the believers. If you dont believe in a company, product or mission, then recognize that as a red flag and avoid the company. Erlich Bachman Know how to express yourself Erlich might be the most profane and boorish character on Silicon Valley, but hes also one of the most successful. Hes had an app he built acquired and started an incubator that churned out a compression algorithm that may change the world. Repeatedly we see that Erlich is able to think on his feet and express his thoughts and ideas. Hell often say that hes the Steve Jobs to Richards Steve Wozniak, but the truth is Erlich is both. A programmer who knows how to communicate his ideas.If you want to see your ideas come to full fruition, dont hesitate to share them. Speak for yourself dont let others speak for you. While a show like Silicon Valley may seem just a comedy and a bit silly, there are real career lessons to take from it. Theres a reason the characters on the show are successful. Try to keep them in mind in your our own career.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Study Here are the Top 10 jobs attracting the most transplants

Study Here are the Top 10 jobs attracting the fruchtwein transplantsStudy Here are the Top 10 jobs attracting the most transplantsWhile people tend to move to certain cities for jobs - and leave others behind - the most popular position people relocate for is Chemical Engineer, according to new data from Glassdoor.The companyanalyzedmore than 668,000 online job applications over the course of a week in January that people started on the platform.The applications were for the 40 largest U.S. metro areas, which Glassdoor defines as a large city with at least 10,000 in population, plus all nearby areas that are socially and economically linked, as defined by commute-to-work patterns.The Top 10 jobs people are willing to move forThese are the most popular positions that people want to relocate for, according to Glassdoors analysis.Chemical Engineer 73.1%Oracle Database Administrator 69.0%ATG Developer 67.5%Industrial Engineer 61.9%Salesforce Developer 59.7%Flight Attendant 59.6%Data En gineer 59.3%Structural Engineer 59.2%Mobile Developer 58.8%Process Engineer 57.8%But the report offered a deeper explanation.Why are tech and engineering jobs so geographically mobile? Partly, its due to labor demand employers for these roles are often concentrated in a few big metros and actively hire talent from across the U.S. Its also due to labor supply many candidates for tech and engineering roles are relatively young, highly educated and more willing to pick up and move cross country for their career, it reads.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

10 Secrets of Excellent Communicators

10 Secrets of Excellent Communicators10 Secrets of Excellent CommunicatorsGreat communicators are viewed as successful individuals by coworkers and otzu sichs. They become go-to people in an organization because people equate efficacy with effective communication. Great communicators contribute more to their organizations and receive more opportunities for promotion and recognition in their careers. There are other attributes, but ten simple communication skills are shared by nearly all effective communicators. Build the Relationship First When a great communicator approaches a co-worker, he takes the time to say, good morning and hows your day going? The effect of the relationship-building forays is incalculable. The speaker demonstrates that, no matter how busy or overextended they are, they have time to care about others. Build the relationship first for successful communication. For even more successful communication, continue to build the relationship in all interactions in any setting over time as goodwill has a cumulative effect. Know What They Are Talking About Great communicators obtain the knowledge, insight, and forward-thinking ability necessary to earn the respect of their colleagues and acquaintances. Coworkers will leid listen if they do not believe that the communicator is bringing expertise to the table, but will spend time with them if they respect their knowledge and the value that the communicator brings to the conversation. When you think about secrets of great communicators, subject matter expertise may head the list. Think of Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Angela Merkel, etc. Listen More Than They Speak Imagine if a manager held a performance development planning meeting with an employee and talked 55 minutes of the hour. This is an egregious example of a manager dominating a discussion, but it serves as a reminder that people are unable to listen if they are talking. Understanding others- and what they need- is a crucial skill for communicators. When they do speak, they are frequently asking questions to draw out the knowledge and opinions of their coworkers. When you allow yourself to listen, you often hear what is not being said. Excellent communicators use this information in order to read between the spoken lines to understand the whole context of the other person and their thoughts and needs. Focus on Understanding the Other Persons Motives When someone else is speaking, great communicators do not spend the time preparing their responses. Instead, they ask questions for clarification and to make certain that they thoroughly understand what the other person is communicating, focusing their mind on listening and understanding. If you find yourself (and that little voice in your head) arguing, prepping your response, or refuting what your colleague is saying, you are not focused on thoroughly understanding her communication. You have stopped listening and have refocused the discussion on your needs. Use a Feedback Loop Saying, Here is what I heard you say and repeating the gist of the content of the message that they received from the other persons communication uses a feedback loop to check their understanding and to make sure they are experiencing shared meaning. When they check their understanding, communicators avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding, circumventing hard feelings and protracted explanations about what their subject meant. Listen to Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication is a powerful voice in any interaction. The voice tonality, body language, and facial expressions speak more loudly than verbal communication or the actual words in many communication exchanges. Communicators know the amount of information that they lose when they communicate via email, phone, IM, or texting. The youngest generation at work may not recognize the importance of talking with coworkers in person. If you want information that is richer and deeper, and for dis cussion and exchange, solid communicators seek out their co-workers. Watch for Patterns, Inconsistencies, and Consistencies In any communication, the opportunity for misunderstanding is ever present. Communicators watch for patterns (is this how their co-worker typically reacts) and inconsistencies (is this consistent with what they expect from this person). If any of these verbal and nonverbal communication factors are inconsistent or sending different messages, communication failure is imminent. Coworkers tend to listen to the nonverbal communication over the verbal. Immediately Remedy a Personal Issue Using I Language Good communicators take responsibility for owning their own emotional reactions. They use I messages ?to demonstrate that they know that they are responsible for the reaction. For example You really messed up that customer interaction is much less effective and honest than, I was upset watching you interact with that customer for these reasons You-ing a co-w orker is rarely effective communication. Communicators will most likely receive a hintermannschaft response which makes the communication fail. Delivering an honest I message instead is powerful. Wait to Give Critical Feedback If communicators feel they are going to say anything critical or controversial, they try and wait 24 hours before they say it, send it, or post it to see if they still feel that way the next day. ?Pausing before communicating is an under-appreciated skill of great communicators. In fact, communication will be more powerful and thoughtful if the circumstances are allowed to marinate for a longer period of time. Open Their Mind to New Ideas New ideas live or die in their first communication. Using the other communication skills presented here, you can make a new idea flourish or fail in an instant. Rather than immediately rejecting a new idea, approach, or way of thinking, excellent orators pause and consider the possibilities. Consider what might work i n their organization rather than what will fail. They think about the possibility rather than the impossibilities. Great communicators always listen for opportunities and pursue them with gusto. Build Coworker Trust It is not enough to be a good listener and to draw out the other persons opinions. They will not level with communicators or share their real thoughts if they do not trust them. You gain trust in your everyday interactions with people when you tell the truth- even when its difficult. When communicators consistently exhibit integrity and trustworthiness in their daily interpersonal conversations and actions, they build their communicating abilities even further. If you make the effort to use these ten simple communication skills in your interactions with your coworkers, clients, customers, and other organization stakeholders, you will build your professional reputation. People equate effective communication with efficacy and they value people who can engage others and share meaning.

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Come Back From a Mental Burnout at Work - The Muse

How to Come Back From a Mental Burnout at Work - The MuseHow to Come Back From a Mental Burnout at Work Life is crazy.Ive learned that much.One moment youre working to make everything good in your life and career, then before you know it, youre flat on your back, unable to do much more than dream up words that rhyme with burnout.If youve ever been burnt out, then you know what Im talking about. If youre nearing a burnout, then chances are, youre probably ready to skip right by this article because you have stuff to do and this doesnt relate to you. But you might want to bookmark this and come back to it later. Youll need it when you realize you need to turn that burnout around. Prioritize NourishmentYouve run on empty before- like on a busy day when you simply didnt have time to do anything but work- but this is different. Its like your tank is constantly filled with sludge or concrete, and mustering the energy to do much of anything is nearly impossible.To turn this burnout around, nourishment is non-negotiable. This includes nourishing your body by getting quality rest, eating food that will fuel your bodys recovery, exercising gently, and getting fresh air. But you also have to nourish your heart by doing things that make you feel like you- like listening to music, hugging your partner, laughing with a friend, meditating, or feeling the sun on your face.This is more than putting gas back in the tank this is stepping up and accepting responsibility to make sure youre okay through all the pressures and priorities in your life. It doesnt matter what it is or how you do it- what matters is making your own nourishment a priority.Acknowledge Your PartTake off the blinders and pull your head out of the sand Youre burnt out because you let yourself get burnt out. In all reality, you probably encouraged the process.Its easy to blame the world and everyone else for not seeing or stopping what was happening to you. However, its only by acknowledging why it happened and taking responsibility for your part in it that youll be able to get back up- without the risk of repeating those saatkorn patterns of behavior.Whether you always said yes to taking on extra work, internalized the need to please everyone else, or constantly worked on weekends, put the excuses to one side and face the real reasons you burned out.Build Some Guide RailsBurnout can happen quietly, through creeping fences. Inch by inch, you sacrifice more ground- because whats an inch in the grand scheme of themes?So you stay an extra 30 minutes at the end of the day. You take that early morning call. You absorb the extra workload without so much as a whimper. You roll over when bad decisions are made or when louder personalities make the wrong call. Ultimately though, those inches turn into miles. Establishing new boundaries and guide rails can be an important part of getting yourself back together. The point is not to become a stubborn, self-serving, black-and-white stick in the mud. T his is about knowing the difference between the things youre happy and willing to go the extra mile for when life demands it (e.g., staying late, taking an extra meeting, or helping a colleague hit a deadline) and the things that mean enough to you for you to enforce your boundaries (e.g., a family birthday or date night).Dont Do it AloneBeing burnt out feels personal. It hurts. Its sometimes even a little embarrassing.That can be enough for you to want to keep it private and not tell anyone- which is not the best strategy, considering that one of the beliefs that leads to burnout is that you need to take care of everything yourself. Its okay to seek support. Its healthy, not weak.So, talk with HR. Speak with you boss about scaling your responsibilities back. See if you can get some time away. Let a colleague know where youre at, and let in the people closest to you.Dont do this alone.Give a DamnWhat if being burnt out was an opportunity to take a stand in your life?I hope you agree that the wrong thing to do would be to go back and do everything the same exact way you did before (thats the definition of madness, right?). Sometimes, being in a crappy place can be the perfect opportunity to make some new choices.Burnout can be the shot in the arm you need to abflug that new venture youve been dreaming about. Maybe nows the perfect time to switch into a different role. Maybe you need more autonomy, or maybe you want to create something that truly matters.Lets assume that you get one shot at this life thing and that you have only just started to scrape the surface of whats possible. What would giving a damn in your life look like right now?Photo of man watching sunrise courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

3 Steps to Leverage Your Past Successes in Your Current Job Search

3 Steps to Leverage Your Past Successes in Your Current Job Search3 Steps to Leverage Your Past Successes in Your Current Job Search3Job seekers who think in-depth about their past successesset themselves up for further success. They gain confidence in their abilities, and this attitude shines through in their application material and interview responses. Prepare to make an outstanding impression by taking the steps below to leverage your past successes in your current job search.Leveraging your past successes in your current job search can help give you the confidence you need to succeed.Here are three steps to leverage your past successes1. Maintain an accomplishments binder.Designate a central place to store career-related material that validates your strengths. Items might include wertmiger zuwachs reviews, letters of appreciation from managers or customers, certifications, and awards. Likewise, include your own notes.There is only one sure-fire way to accurately recall past acco mplishments- write them down says Joel Garfinkle, author of Getting Ahead Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Level.Everyone should keep a career journal where you can jot down even the smallest accomplishments. Were sales up this month? Write it down. Did you complete a project ahead of schedule and/or under budget? Write it down. Were you asked to present at an industry conference? Did you secure a new contract? This information isnt just valuable when youre looking for a new opportunity, but even at your current organization when it comes time for a review, a promotion, or if youre looking for a salary increase.2. Construct an attention-grabbing cover letter and resume.Armed with information about your past success, show employers why you are the best person for the position. Get specific- concrete examples are more memorable than blanket statements- and choose achievements pertinent to the job at hand.Match your past accomplishments with the job duties and skill sets the potential employer is looking for, Garfinkle suggests. Is the new position one where youll be managing people? Talk about how you not only managed a team of 26 people, but how you decreased turnover in your department by 45 percent.3. Dazzle in the interview.Finally, get ready to seal the deal by continuing to promote your successes in the interview. For maximum effectiveness, pay attention to your presentation.When people interview you, rattling off a list of your awards, certifications and past successes can feel like bragging. Its uncomfortable for you and the interviewer, says author and career counselorAricia E. Shaffer, MSE. She suggests framing achievements as engaging short stories of one to two minutes each. This method keeps the interviewers attention, lets your personality shine through, and highlights how your strengths fit with the companys needs.And while combing your success binder for appropriate examples, take a moment to appreciate all that youve accomplished. You ll get an energy boost thats sure to carry over into the interviewReady to leverageyour past successes in a new job search? Browse telecommuting, part-time, and flexible jobs in over 50 categoriesReaders, how do you leverage your past successes in your current job search? Share with us below

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Fight Against Project Engineer Resume

The Fight Against Project Engineer Resume The Fundamentals of Project Engineer Resume Revealed Your familiarity with a plethora of different engineering computer software programs will make your resume much more convincing. You will want the skills to recognize the source of the issue and create and test solutions. Electrical engineers should know lots of technology and software to achieve different tasks. Reference our manufacturing engineer resume sample for the best practices you want to pull employers and enhance your probability of a prospect turning into a good lead.When it has to do with researching the company, there are numerous things you ought to look for. It is typically an excellent notion to incorporate a few recommendations in the base of the resume. Most people dont think of the work they do with respect to a process with a string of individual, discrete actions. Always attempt to include facts and figures so the man reading your CV can relate to the achieveme nt and find out how it had an effect on the business for a whole. A Startling Fact about Project Engineer Resume Uncovered Lets take a good look. Dont hesitate to incorporate any memberships you belong to if they are related to the business. Watearths Civil Engineer has to be in a sttte to and long-term employee retention. Most training schemes persist for a couple of years. Its also feasible to develop into an engineer if youre already employed in the market, for instance, perhaps as an engineering technician. Furthermore, some project engineers will want to procure an engineering license. Construction engineers often concentrate on a particular sort of construction undertaking. Construction project engineers are crucial to construction work as they can supply the required project management and engineering understand how to earn a project work. Mechanical engineering is just one of the broadest engineering disciplines. In order to pull Project Engineer which best match es your requirements, its quite important to compose a crystal clear and precise Project Engineer job description. Salary for assistant engineers are determined by the technical essentials of the position, experience and other facets. Project engineers are liable for supervising engineering projects and the folks working on them. Part of their responsibility involves directing workers onsite to be certain that the project is constructed in accordance with their specified designs. Ensuring plans meet the customers specifications. Ensuring customer satisfaction In the long run, a project is simply a success in the event the customer is happy. In the event it will go over budget, it is up to the electrical project engineer to meet with management to acquire extra funding. Excellent project managers understand how to maintain effective communication and keep the firms clients up-to-date. A cover letter thats tailored to your precise industry lets potential employers know that yo ure seriously interested in working for them and understand what the job is about. Most significantly, make a new letter for each position youll be applying for. To be sure you create the correct impression, note down major pointers you would love to mention in your cover letter. Consulting an expert project engineer cover letter sample like the one below for tips on making your own will supply you with exactly the edge you should get noticed. There are quite a lot of columns and sections where you could incorporate distinctive specifics about yourself. Once you locate the right resume that you may use, the next step is going to be to go through the work description and the requirements necessary for the post youre applying for. This easy list is in fact one of the best-kept secrets of an excellent resume.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How Millennials Feel About Video Interviewing - Spark Hire

How Millennials Feel About Video Interviewing - Spark HireThough the concept would have been unheard of even a few years ago, video interviewing is quickly changing the hiring landscape. Not only does it reduce costs, but it also makes it easier to interview candidates from all over the country, regardless of where your business is located. This opens up your company to a wider pool of talent, thus helping you to put the best partie in an open position. Video interviewing is also a powerful recruiting tool when youre looking to talk directly to millennials, heres whyMillennials know and understand videoToday, everyone can produce videos. If you have a smartphone, you can record, edit, and upload your own content for the world to see on a variety of platforms. This is something millennials are inherently comfortable with, so using video technology during interviews is second nature to this group of candidates.Millennials want to work for a company that embraces technologyMillennials h ave grown up with technology. Its a part of life for them, and they want to work for a company that embraces it. Incorporating video interviewing into your hiring process is one way to do this. Prove that your company isnt a place that continues to do something because thats the way weve always done it and youll be able to win over the millennial group.Use video interviewing to let star candidates shine early onBringing people in for in-person interviews takes up a significant amount of time and energy. Video interviewing can help cut down on the complexity of the process by allowing you to pre-screen candidates. For example, you can ask everyone to record answers to three or four simple questions. From there, you can view the questions and choose to interview only the 10 or 12 most qualified candidates based on the answers they recorded.It benefits different personality typesVideo interviewing can also make more introverted candidates feel at ease. Instead of feeling as if they hav e to spit out an answer right away, they can take their time recording a response, and can re-record it if necessary. This is often a major relief, as interviewing can be extremely nerve-wracking.Video interviewing has the ability to make life much easier for hiring managers and candidates alike. Not only does it show befhigung employees that youre interested and invested in technology, it shows that you value their time and want to make the hiring process convenient for them. This becomes important when recruiting top tier talent.Image Wavebreak Media Ltd/BigStock.com

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Here is how you nail a job interview and a date according to psychologists

Here is how you nail a job interview and a date according to psychologistsHere is how you nail a job interview and a date according to psychologistsJob interviews and first dates share the same panic-inducing conundrum How do I convince this stranger that Im notlage an incompetent psychopath in under 10 minutes?Thankfully, likability is a science one several psychologists have been hacking at for decades. Here are a few words of insight from certified social etiquette mavens.Impression managementFrom personal experience, I can confirm that there are zero benefits to being a self-effacing, dim-witted ball of nerves. But despite popular belief, an overt demonstration of aptitude doesnt do us any favors either. At least according to a recent studypublished in the Journal Basic and Applied Psychology.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe study makes a point not to confuse over-confid ence with arrogance. Arrogance is a quality universally understood to be off-putting. Confidence in ones abilities and attributes is a pretty important ingredient to success, but how we express it is also crucial.The author of the study, psychologist Janina Steinmetz says, presenting our achievements, whether on a first date or a job interview, without explaining exactly how we went about achieving them can leave a bad taste in the receptors mouth.Expounding on the process that led us to success, at once highlights our capabilities and drive, while also opening avenues of relatability. It sends a message of My success welches staffed by my hard work and dedication, not born out of my magnificent God-given talent.Steinmetz put together three experiments Two were mock job interviews and one was a mock date. On the topic of impression management, all respondents agreed to be negatively impacted by an over-eagerness to imply competence.Charm is all about being human, which Steinmetz poi nts out is not always glamorous. Nevertheless, conveying struggle is sure to win people over, especially as the prelude to declarations of victory.Body Language and PresentationA Career Builder survey of hiring managers from 2013 broke down the way colors influence the impressions gathered by potenzial employers. Black, blue, gray and brown were shown to convey a sense of professionalism and leadership, while light colors like blue advertised an employee thats a team player. Louder colors like yellow, green and pink insinuate creativity.Whatever virtue you wish to suggest through your wardrobe, be sure the presentation is on point-no wrinkles, no stains. As stylist Nicole Russo saysNot knowing how to pull yourself together comes across as incompetent.Once you have your attire figured out, you should give some heed to what you wish to get across with your movements and gestures. Very Well Mindreports that body language accounts for between 50 to 70% of all communication. Its all abou t nuance. The piece, medically reviewed by Steven Gans MD, goes on to state that a trustworthy face is indicated through a slight smile and a subtle raise of an eyebrow.Most of the physical gestures and their emotional association mentioned in the article are fairly common knowledge, but it still serves as a helpful reminder to be ever aware of them. In 2018 a career builder report revealed that 67 of the 2,500 employers surveyed cited insufficient eye contact as the predominant reason for not hiring potential employees.What to say and how to say itTomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an author whos expertise belongs to psychology and leadership strategies. A little while back he wrote a piece instructing young professionals on how to better answer the stock questions employers love so much, namely the dreaded Tell us some of your weaknesses?Eagerness and panic become the devil and slightly more pathetic devil on our shoulders, causing us to spout out rigid lies, or pedantic cheeseball lines like My weakness is Im too punctual.Premuzic, emphasizes how important it is whatever your answer is, lie or truth (preferably truth), to not sound too rehearsed.Previously connected studies have shown that verbal and non-verbal communication that seems authentic is linked to positive perceptions. Premuzic says, The more prepared you seem, the less credit they will be able to take for asking the question (which equates to making them feel less competent), and the less truthful your answer will seem.To that point, while it is more beneficial to be honest than to tell abald-faced lie, interviewees shouldnt be too honest. The primary reason employers hurl the weakness inquiry at us is because they want to observe our ability to convincingly portray self-awareness and false modesty. Pulling this off gives the impression of sanity and stability.Steer clear of cliches, take pride in the struggles that birthed your success and advertise self-awareness.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, November 22, 2019

Five Factors in Rewarding Employee Performance

Five Factors in Rewarding Employee PerformanceFive Factors in Rewarding Employee PerformanceFive Factors in Rewarding Employee PerformanceMarch 28, 2012 Hubley Luckwaldt, PayScale.comWant an employee to feel appreciated?The good and bad news is that it takes mora than cash, says Stacey Carroll, director of professional services at online salary database PayScale.com. Driving satisfaction with employees requires work beyond a bump in pay.Beyond a salary negotiation for higher pay,theres the question of how, exactly, to reward employee performance.Here are a few things to consider when recognizing employee performance1. Communication SkillsCarroll tells companies the single best thing they can do to improve employee satisfaction is to use effective communication skills.Ideally, employees should understand how decisions about compensation are made, on what basis, and when they can expect to hear about raises and performance.Employees often equate how much theyre paid with how much theyr e valued, which might not be the case, especially for small business under increasing financial pressures. Keeping them in the loop can help to alleviate this problem.2. BenchmarkingIn large organizations, one employee typically does one job. This isnt the case in small business, where a person might be, say, the accountant, and the facilities manager, and the business manager, as well as coordinating all employee birthday parties, and answering the phone when the receptionist is out.Carroll advises companies to tie salary to the highest skill set that they ask employees to perform on a regular basis via benchmarking.She also recommends looking at your internal hierarchy and compare employees skills and job duties against the people they supervise and against the people who supervise them.3. Consider Non-Financial RewardsCompensation alone will never attract or retain top performers, says Carroll. It has to be supported by all the other things that go on in an organization.This is e specially true for top performers, she adds. Top performers want to work in a place where their performance is acknowledged.This can take the form of offering additional training or other opportunities to be involved with organization at a deeper level, she says.It can also mean offering non-traditional solutions, such as the workplace flexibility of a four-day work week to an employee who values that extra day off, instead of a bump in pay.4. Ask for Employee FeedbackWhich brings us to our next point Sometimes, the best way to find out what employees want is to ask most often by doing an employee satisfaction survey.If youre really, truly trying to understand employees and what motivates them, one of the best things to do is just to ask them, Carroll says. All employees are motivated by something a little bit different.5. Be a Good BossCarroll agrees with the well-known adage, Employees dont leave companies, they leave bosses.Somebody who you genuinely feel is engaged in helping y ou to be successful and giving you opportunities for growth, really cant be supplemented by large sums of money, she says.Instead, strive to be a good boss start by learning to become a good listener.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Things You Should Know About Occupational Therapy Resume

Things You Should Know About Occupational Therapy Resume Occupational Therapy Resume - the Conspiracy Employers like to recognize that youre consistently developing and trying to enhance your abilities. Because not every kind of therapy will do the job for each patient, assistants may have to be creative when working with occupational therapists to find out the ideal therapy to attain a patients goals. Occupational therapy will continue to be a significant part treatment for individuals with several illnesses and disabilities. Trained patients in the appropriate use of therapy equipment. All the OTs agreed that professionalism is among the absolute most important aspcts of your interview performance. Instead, think of all of the search phrases and key phrases you are able to include that are relevant to your experience and abilities, and sprinkle them liberally throughout. If youve got an extensive work history and dont wish to include your fieldwork experience its completely acceptable. Make a bid to figure out the suitable expressions and spellings. So, as well as offering advice on producing the very best OT resume to go found and selected by recruiters, were actually likely to give away a free resume vorlage intended for occupational therapy professionals. Previous work experience in healthcare may be useful in getting work. In the majority of cases, you will apply to a work online. You may want to generate headings for example Skills, Strengths or Interests and collection info and facts that may be on the position youre trying to get. Your resume objective is the initial thing recruiters will look at. In addition to this, write the best suited items (that the recruiter may be on the lookout for) on the top and remainder of the details at the end. The majority of the info in your resume will be a discussion about your fieldwork or employment experience, but the manner that information is presented can dramatically impact the way youre viewed by the facility. You might even search and view resumes of distinct prospects diagnosed with the kind of job youre looking for to acquire insight into the experience and skills companies value. When constructing your resume its a good idea to take a look at some employment postings for ideas concerning the characteristics employers are searching for a perspective practitioner. As you most likely know, obtaining a new work requires you to create an offer. Make sure that its updated with all pertinent info and abilities, and ask current connections to introduce you to prospective contacts in the industry you need a job in. While all resumes must offer advice in your work and education experience, along with your abilities and achievements, there are many approaches to supply this info. Also, it is a good idea to put your licensing and education data in a rang und namen haben position for your readers convenience. Writing work application may be an intimidating starting. There a re plenty of basic forms of resumes used to earn application for job openings. No matter your degree of job practical expertise, your resume format is important to making your program stick out. In stables throughout the nation, health professionals are harnessing the ability of horses to take care of people with disabilities. If youre interested in pursuing a change in your specialty, and you would like to find out more about open healthcare jobs in your region, please get in touch with us. Occupational therapists working in schools may want to stay after school for meetings or other pursuits. Most physical and occupational therapists involved with hippotherapy spend only some of their time working in the area and the remainder of their time in more customary roles. ur resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. Theres definitely some overlap between the important jobs boards, but its worth looking through each one. Most resumes are submitted through an on-line portal, for that reason, it is crucial to indicate youre an occupational therapist with experience. There is going to be a range of resumes filled with the exact same set of skills and obligations. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. Adhere to the Job Profile It is essential that your resume must be in compliance with the job. Free resume templates for work in the health care market. Second, you have to understand how to organize the info youve got. Career aspirants ought to keep an eye out for a resume template rather than a program load vitae template. Its fast and simple to use. Careers research the top careers to obtain the one which is the right one for you. Careers in medical fields expect a lot of education.